

System.Text.RegularExpressions Namespace


<< PrevUpNext >>

 · CaptureCollection
 · GroupCollection
 · MatchCollection
 · Regex
 · RegexRunner

There are 5 incomplete classes in this namespace

In total we are missing :

  1 constructors, 26 methods, 19 fields, 10 properties, and 0 events.


Status :
Method Summary
System.Void CopyTo(System.Array array, System.Int32 arrayIndex)should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
Property Summary
System.Int32 Count should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Boolean IsSynchronized should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Object SyncRoot should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead



Status :
Method Summary
System.Void CopyTo(System.Array array, System.Int32 arrayIndex)should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
Property Summary
System.Int32 Count should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Boolean IsSynchronized should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Object SyncRoot should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead



Status :
Method Summary
System.Void CopyTo(System.Array array, System.Int32 arrayIndex)should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig ', but has `public virtual hidebysig ' instead
Property Summary
System.Int32 Count should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Boolean IsSynchronized should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match Item should have attributes `public virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public hidebysig specialname ' instead
System.Object SyncRoot should have attributes `public final virtual hidebysig specialname ', but has `public virtual hidebysig specialname ' instead



Status :
Method Summary
static System.Void CompileToAssembly(System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo[] regexinfos, System.Reflection.AssemblyName assemblyname, System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder[] attributes, System.String resourceFile)TODO
System.Void InitializeReferences()TODO
System.Boolean UseOptionC()TODO
System.Boolean UseOptionR()TODO
Field Summary
System.Collections.Hashtable capnames TODO
System.Collections.Hashtable caps TODO
System.Int32 capsize TODO
System.String[] capslist TODO
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunnerFactory factory TODO



Status :
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
System.Void Capture(System.Int32 capnum, System.Int32 start, System.Int32 end)TODO
static System.Boolean CharInSet(System.Char ch, System.String set, System.String category)TODO
System.Void Crawl(System.Int32 i)TODO
System.Int32 Crawlpos()TODO
System.Void DoubleCrawl()TODO
System.Void DoubleStack()TODO
System.Void DoubleTrack()TODO
System.Void EnsureStorage()TODO
System.Boolean IsBoundary(System.Int32 index, System.Int32 startpos, System.Int32 endpos)TODO
System.Boolean IsECMABoundary(System.Int32 index, System.Int32 startpos, System.Int32 endpos)TODO
System.Boolean IsMatched(System.Int32 cap)TODO
System.Int32 MatchIndex(System.Int32 cap)TODO
System.Int32 MatchLength(System.Int32 cap)TODO
System.Int32 Popcrawl()TODO
System.Void TransferCapture(System.Int32 capnum, System.Int32 uncapnum, System.Int32 start, System.Int32 end)TODO
System.Void Uncapture()TODO
Field Summary
System.Int32[] runcrawl TODO
System.Int32 runcrawlpos TODO
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match runmatch TODO
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex runregex TODO
System.Int32[] runstack TODO
System.Int32 runstackpos TODO
System.String runtext TODO
System.Int32 runtextbeg TODO
System.Int32 runtextend TODO
System.Int32 runtextpos TODO
System.Int32 runtextstart TODO
System.Int32[] runtrack TODO
System.Int32 runtrackcount TODO
System.Int32 runtrackpos TODO



This document is licensed under the GNU FDL.
Last Updated on 5-11-2007

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