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2.5 Applying the functionality.

Methods and signals are the communication means to D-Bus. The following functions return their specifications.

Function: dbus-introspect-get-method-names bus service path interface

This function returns a list of strings of all method names of interface of service in D-Bus bus at object path path. Example:

 :session "org.freedesktop.xesam.searcher"

⇒ ("GetState" "StartSearch" "GetHitCount" "GetHits" "NewSession"
    "CloseSession" "GetHitData" "SetProperty" "NewSearch"
    "GetProperty" "CloseSearch")
Function: dbus-introspect-get-method bus service path interface method

This function returns method of interface as an XML element. It must be located at service in D-Bus bus at object path path. method must be a string and a member of the list returned by dbus-introspect-get-method-names. Example:

 :session "org.freedesktop.xesam.searcher"
 "org.freedesktop.xesam.Search" "GetHitData")

⇒ (method ((name . "GetHitData"))
     (arg ((name . "search") (type . "s") (direction . "in")))
     (arg ((name . "hit_ids") (type . "au") (direction . "in")))
     (arg ((name . "fields") (type . "as") (direction . "in")))
     (arg ((name . "hit_data") (type . "aav") (direction . "out"))))
Function: dbus-introspect-get-signal-names bus service path interface

This function returns a list of strings of all signal names of interface of service in D-Bus bus at object path path. Example:

 :session "org.freedesktop.xesam.searcher"

⇒ ("StateChanged" "SearchDone" "HitsModified"
    "HitsRemoved" "HitsAdded")
Function: dbus-introspect-get-signal bus service path interface signal

This function returns signal of interface as an XML element. It must be located at service in D-Bus bus at object path path. signal must be a string and a member of the list returned by dbus-introspect-get-signal-names. Example:

 :session "org.freedesktop.xesam.searcher"
 "org.freedesktop.xesam.Search" "HitsAdded")

⇒ (signal ((name . "HitsAdded"))
     (arg ((name . "search") (type . "s")))
     (arg ((name . "count") (type . "u"))))

Next: What else to know about interfaces., Previous: Detecting object paths and interfaces., Up: Inspection of D-Bus services.   [Contents][Index]