The display-fill-column-indicator-mode
uses a typographic character to
draw its line. This has the downside of creating a dashed line. The
dashes are further apart depending on how tall the font’s glyph height
is and what integer the line-spacing
is set to.
At the theme level we eliminate this effect by making the character one
pixel tall: the line is contiguous. Users who prefer the dashed line
are advised to change the fill-column-indicator
face, as explained
elsewhere in this document. For example:
(modus-themes-with-colors (custom-set-faces `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :foreground ,bg-active)))))
Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette.
To make the line thicker, set the height to be equal to the base font size instead of the one pixel we use. This is done by specifying a rate instead of an absolute number, as in ‘:height 1.0’ versus ‘:height 1’. For example:
(modus-themes-with-colors (custom-set-faces `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :height 1.0 :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,bg-inactive)))))