Brief: Set the overall style of code syntax highlighting.
Symbol: modus-themes-syntax
(‘choice’ type, list of properties)
Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is nil
an empty list). The list can include any of the following symbols:
The default (a nil
value or an empty list) is to use a balanced
combination of colors on the cyan-blue-magenta side of the spectrum.
There is little to no use of greens, yellows, and reds. Comments are
gray, strings are blue colored, doc strings are a shade of cyan, while
color combinations are designed to avoid exaggerations.
The property faint
fades the saturation of all applicable colors, where
that is possible or appropriate.
The property yellow-comments
applies a yellow color to comments.
The property green-strings
applies a green color to strings and a green
tint to doc strings.
The property alt-syntax
changes the combination of colors beyond strings
and comments, so that the effective palette is broadened to provide
greater variety relative to the default.
Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like in these examples:
(faint) (green-strings yellow-comments) (alt-syntax green-strings yellow-comments) (faint alt-syntax green-strings yellow-comments)
The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
In user configuration files the form may look like this:
(setq modus-themes-syntax '(faint alt-syntax))
Independent of this variable, users may also control the use of a bold
weight or italic text: modus-themes-bold-constructs