4.2.8 Yanking

<count> y<move>

Yank from begin to endpoint of <count><move>.

<count> "<a-z>y<move>

Yank from begin to endpoint of <count><move> to register.

<count> "<A-Z>y<move>

Yank from begin to endpoint of <count><move> and append to register.

<count> yy

<count> lines.

<count> Y

Idem (should be equivalent to y$ though).


Mark the cursor position with a letter.


Show contents of textmarker.


Show contents of register.

<count> ["<a-z1-9>]p

Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer <count> times after the cursor. The register will be automatically down-cased.

<count> ["<a-z1-9>]P

Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer <count> times before the cursor. The register will