find Primary Index

This is a list of all of the primaries (tests, actions, and options) that make up find expressions for selecting files. See find Expressions, for more information on expressions.

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Index Entry  Section

!: Combining Primaries With Operators

(): Combining Primaries With Operators

,: Combining Primaries With Operators

-a: Combining Primaries With Operators
-amin: Age Ranges
-and: Combining Primaries With Operators
-anewer: Comparing Timestamps
-atime: Age Ranges
-cmin: Age Ranges
-cnewer: Comparing Timestamps
-context: Mode Bits
-ctime: Age Ranges
-d: Directories
-daystart: Age Ranges
-delete: Delete Files
-depth: Directories
-empty: Size
-exec: Single File
-exec: Multiple Files
-execdir: Single File
-execdir: Multiple Files
-executable: Mode Bits
-false: Combining Primaries With Operators
-files0-from: Starting points
-fls: Print File Information
-fprint: Print File Name
-fprint0: Safe File Name Handling
-fprintf: Print File Information
-fstype: Filesystems
-gid: Owner
-group: Owner
-ignore_readdir_race: Directories
-ilname: Symbolic Links
-iname: Base Name Patterns
-inum: Hard Links
-ipath: Full Name Patterns
-iregex: Full Name Patterns
-iwholename: Full Name Patterns
-links: Hard Links
-links: Hard Links
-links: Hard Links
-lname: Symbolic Links
-ls: Print File Information
-maxdepth: Directories
-mindepth: Directories
-mmin: Age Ranges
-mount: Filesystems
-mtime: Age Ranges
-name: Base Name Patterns
-newer: Comparing Timestamps
-newerXY: Comparing Timestamps
-nogroup: Owner
-noignore_readdir_race: Directories
-noleaf: Directories
-not: Combining Primaries With Operators
-nouser: Owner
-o: Combining Primaries With Operators
-ok: Querying
-okdir: Querying
-or: Combining Primaries With Operators
-path: Full Name Patterns
-perm: Mode Bits
-print: Print File Name
-print0: Safe File Name Handling
-printf: Print File Information
-prune: Directories
-quit: Directories
-readable: Mode Bits
-regex: Full Name Patterns
-regextype: Full Name Patterns
-samefile: Hard Links
-size: Size
-true: Combining Primaries With Operators
-type: Type
-uid: Owner
-used: Comparing Timestamps
-user: Owner
-wholename: Full Name Patterns
-writable: Mode Bits
-xdev: Filesystems
-xtype: Type

ago in date strings: Relative items in date strings
am in date strings: Time of day items

bugs, reporting: Introduction

day in date strings: Relative items in date strings
day in date strings: Relative items in date strings

first in date strings: General date syntax
fortnight in date strings: Relative items in date strings

hour in date strings: Relative items in date strings

last day: Day of week items
last in date strings: General date syntax

midnight in date strings: Time of day items
minute in date strings: Relative items in date strings
month in date strings: Relative items in date strings

next day: Day of week items
next in date strings: General date syntax
noon in date strings: Time of day items
now in date strings: Relative items in date strings

option delimiter, --: xargs options

parse_datetime: Date input formats
pm in date strings: Time of day items

this in date strings: Relative items in date strings
today in date strings: Relative items in date strings
tomorrow in date strings: Relative items in date strings

week in date strings: Relative items in date strings

year in date strings: Relative items in date strings
yesterday in date strings: Relative items in date strings