
GNU Foliot needs the following sofwtare to run:

  • Autoconf >= 2.69
  • Automake >= 1.14
  • Guile >= 2.0.14
  • Guile-Gnome >= 2.16.5, the following wrappers:
    • Gobject, Glib, Pango, Pangocairo, libgnome, lingnomeui, libglade, Gtk

  • SQLite >= 3.7
  • libpcre
  • Grip >= 0.2.0
    • Grip (core), Grip-Gnome, Grip-SQLite

  • LaTex
    • Any modern latex distribution will do, we use TexLive.

      Grip will check that it can find the extarticle document class, as well as the following packages: inputenc, fontenc, lmodern, pifont, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, wasysym, graphicx, parskip, xspace, tabularx, longtable, ltxtable, multicol, booktabs, hhline, numprint, fancyhdr, lastpage, xcolor, colortbl, fancybox, textcomp, calc, geometry and Iwona.

      Iwona is the font used to create the reports. Note that it could be that it is not part of your ’basic’ LaTex distro, on debian for example, iwona is part of the texlive-fonts-extra package.

  • Guile-Lib >= 0.2.5
    • This is a soft dependency: Guile-Lib is required to run the test-suite, which is recommended but not mandatory.

Install from the tarball

The latest release is foliot-0.9.8.tar.gz, with its GPG binary signature. Other releases are available here.

Assuming you have satisfied the dependencies, open a terminal and proceed with the following steps:

To start GNU Foliot open a terminal and enter:

Happy GNU Foliot!

Install from the source

GNU Foliot uses Git for revision control. The most recent sources can be found at here.

There are currently two important branches: master and devel. GNU Foliot stable branch is master, developments occur on the devel branch.

So, to grab, compile and install from the source, open a terminal and:

The above steps ensure you're using GNU Foliot bleeding edge stable version. If you wish to participate to developments, checkout the devel branch:

Happy hacking!


  1. The default and --prefix installation locations for source modules and compiled files (in the absence of --with-guile-site) are:
    • $(datadir)/foliot
    • $(libdir)/foliot/guile/$(GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION)/site-ccache

    If you pass --with-guile-site, installation locations for source modules and compiled files are:

    • Guile-Gnome site directory
    • Guile site-ccache directory
  2. The configure step reports these locations as the content of the sitedir and siteccachedir variables, respectivelly the source modules and compiled files install locations.

    After installation, you may consult these variables using pkg-config:

    • pkg-config foliot-1.0 --variable=sitedir
    • pkg-config foliot-1.0 --variable=siteccachedir

  3. To install Foliot, you must have write permissions to the default or $prefix dir and its subdirs, as well as to both Guile-Gnome site directory and Guile's site-ccache directory if --with-guile-site was passed.
  4. Unless already done, add $prefix/bin to the PATH variable of your default shell configuration file. As an example, using bash, you would add the following line at the end of your .bashrc file [assuming --prefix=/opt]:
    • export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH
  5. Like for any other GNU Tool Chain compatible software, you may install the documentation locally using make install-info, make install-html and/or make install-pdf. Note that as it is, GNU Foliot documentation still is a mock-up.