Benchmarking GCC

For evaluation of the code generated by GCC a number of benchmarks are available. Some people run these benchmarks on a regular basis and therefore allow to monitor how GCC's optimizations evolve over time and whether optimizations really make a difference on the tested benchmarks.


AMD Athlon, AMD Bulldozer, Intel Haswell and Intel Itanium SPEC CPU 2000 and SPEC CPU 2006 results are available at

SPEC CPU 2000 results on Intel Core2 are available at The scripts used are based on original scripts by Diego Novillo.

SPEC CPU 2006 results on Intel Core2 are available at the same place as SPEC2000 ones:

Code Size Benchmarks

Statistics about GCC code size for several targets are available from the GCC Code-Size Benchmark Environment (CSiBE), along with the testbed and measurement scripts.

Related benchmarks and scripts

SUSE runs various other C++ benchmarks and Polyhedron. Results can be found at

Tobias Burnus also runs the Polyhedron benchmark with mainline GCC. Results can be found at

Diego Novillo compiled a collection of relevant scripts at


Openbench is a free benchmarking suite similar to SPEC.