Comparison Instructions

Instruction: u64=? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the u64 values a and b are the same, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: u64<? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the u64 value a is less than the u64 value b are the same, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: s64<? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the s64 value a is less than the s64 value b are the same, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: s64-imm=? s12:a z12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the s64 value a is equal to the immediate s64 value b, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: u64-imm<? s12:a c12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the u64 value a is less than the immediate u64 value b, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: imm-u64<? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the u64 immediate b is less than the u64 value a, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: s64-imm<? s12:a z12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the s64 value a is less than the immediate s64 value b, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: imm-s64<? s12:a z12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the s64 immediate b is less than the s64 value a, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: f64=? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the f64 value a is equal to the f64 value b, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: f64<? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the f64 value a is less than the f64 value b, NONE if a is greater than or equal to b, or INVALID otherwise.

Instruction: =? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the SCM values a and b are numerically equal, in the sense of the Scheme = operator. Set to NONE otherwise.

Instruction: heap-numbers-equal? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the SCM values a and b are numerically equal, in the sense of Scheme =. Set to NONE otherwise. It is known that both a and b are heap numbers.

Instruction: <? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to LESS_THAN if the SCM value a is less than the SCM value b, NONE if a is greater than or equal to b, or INVALID otherwise.

Instruction: immediate-tag=? s24:obj c16:mask c16:tag

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the result of a bitwise and between the bits of scm value a and the immediate mask is tag, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: heap-tag=? s24:obj c16:mask c16:tag

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the result of a bitwise and between the first word of scm value a and the immediate mask is tag, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: eq? s12:a s12:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the SCM values a and b are eq?, or NONE otherwise.

Instruction: eq-immediate? s8:a zi16:b

Set the comparison result to EQUAL if the SCM value a is equal to the immediate SCM value b (sign-extended), or NONE otherwise.

There are a set of macro-instructions for immediate-tag=? and heap-tag=? as well that abstract away the precise type tag values. See The SCM Type in Guile.

Macro Instruction: fixnum? x
Macro Instruction: heap-object? x
Macro Instruction: char? x
Macro Instruction: eq-false? x
Macro Instruction: eq-nil? x
Macro Instruction: eq-null? x
Macro Instruction: eq-true? x
Macro Instruction: unspecified? x
Macro Instruction: undefined? x
Macro Instruction: eof-object? x
Macro Instruction: null? x
Macro Instruction: false? x
Macro Instruction: nil? x

Emit a immediate-tag=? instruction that will set the comparison result to EQUAL if x would pass the corresponding predicate (e.g. null?), or NONE otherwise.

Macro Instruction: pair? x
Macro Instruction: struct? x
Macro Instruction: symbol? x
Macro Instruction: variable? x
Macro Instruction: vector? x
Macro Instruction: immutable-vector? x
Macro Instruction: mutable-vector? x
Macro Instruction: weak-vector? x
Macro Instruction: string? x
Macro Instruction: heap-number? x
Macro Instruction: hash-table? x
Macro Instruction: pointer? x
Macro Instruction: fluid? x
Macro Instruction: stringbuf? x
Macro Instruction: dynamic-state? x
Macro Instruction: frame? x
Macro Instruction: keyword? x
Macro Instruction: atomic-box? x
Macro Instruction: syntax? x
Macro Instruction: program? x
Macro Instruction: vm-continuation? x
Macro Instruction: bytevector? x
Macro Instruction: weak-set? x
Macro Instruction: weak-table? x
Macro Instruction: array? x
Macro Instruction: bitvector? x
Macro Instruction: smob? x
Macro Instruction: port? x
Macro Instruction: bignum? x
Macro Instruction: flonum? x
Macro Instruction: compnum? x
Macro Instruction: fracnum? x

Emit a heap-tag=? instruction that will set the comparison result to EQUAL if x would pass the corresponding predicate (e.g. null?), or NONE otherwise.