There is a FOSS Factory bounty (p267) on this task.
IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-02-17
<azeem> task 39011c10 deallocating an invalid port 349, most probably a
<azeem> kernel: Page fault (14), code=6
<azeem> Stopped at 0x28b9c7: orb %bh,0(%ecx,%edi,2)
<azeem> db>
<antrik> tschwinge: I doubt the deallocating warning is related to the
later fault
<tschwinge> antrik: YOu may be right.
<tschwinge> Perhaps it'd be a good idea to add some sort of timestamp to
Mach messages.
<tschwinge> Like in Linux' dmesg.
<tschwinge> Or just RDTSC (internal processor counter).