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5.8 libcli

5.8.1 Overview

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5.8.2 API

Function: int lw6cli_init (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

Initializes a client backend. Must be performed before any other call.

Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure

Function: void lw6cli_quit (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend)

sys_context: global system context

backend: unitialize a cli backend

Closes a cli, but does not free all ressources.

Function: int lw6cli_process_oob (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6nod_info_t * node_info, lw6cli_oob_data_t * oob_data)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

node_info: information on the current node

oob_data: data of the out-of-band request

Processes the required out-of-band tasks, this typically, for a client, includes broadcasting. Depending on parameters passed in oob_data, might actually do a broadcast or simply call a given host and see what’s the answer. A typicall exchange is PING then INFO and finally LIST. It’s the responsability of the client to take the OOB initiative and contact the server.

Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

Function: lw6cnx_connection_t * lw6cli_open (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, const char * local_url, const char * remote_url, const char * remote_ip, int remote_port, const char * password, u_int64_t local_id, u_int64_t remote_id, int dns_ok, int network_reliability)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

local_url: our local public url

remote_url: the remote url we want to connect to

remote_ip: remote IP address

remote_port: remote IP port

password: password to use (if needed)

local_id: our local id

remote_id: the remote id

dns_ok: wether the remote announced URL matches DNS information

network_reliability: network reliability (the highest, the better)

Opens a connection with a remote host.

Return value: new object.

Function: void lw6cli_close (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6cnx_connection_t * connection)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

connection: connection to use

Closes a connection, this will free the connection object.

Return value: none.

Function: int lw6cli_send (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6cnx_connection_t * connection, int64_t now, u_int32_t physical_ticket_sig, u_int32_t logical_ticket_sig, u_int64_t logical_from_id, u_int64_t logical_to_id, const char * message)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

connection: connection to use

now: current timestamp

physical_ticket_sig: signature of physical sender

logical_ticket_sig: signature of logical sender

logical_from_id: id of logical sender

logical_to_id: id of logicial target

message: text of message to send

Sends a message to a peer over a given connection.

Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

Function: int lw6cli_can_send (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6cnx_connection_t * connection)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

connection: connection to use

Tells wether a client connection can technically send messages. This does not garantee send will succeed, but if it’s not OK at this stage, it’s not even worth trying.

Return value: 1 if it can be used to send messages, 0 if not ready.

Function: void lw6cli_poll (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6cnx_connection_t * connection)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

connection: connection to use

Performs required duty on connection, depending on the backend, this can include sending messages and/or receiving them. Must be called on a regular basis.

Return value: none.

Function: char * lw6cli_repr (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, const lw6cli_backend_t * backend, lw6cnx_connection_t * connection)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to use

connection: connection to represent

Gives a human readable representation of the connection.

Return value: dynamically allocated string.

Function: lw6cli_oob_t * lw6cli_oob_new (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, const char * public_url, lw6cli_verify_callback_func_t verify_callback_func, void * verify_callback_data)

sys_context: global system context

public_url: the address of the distant server to test

verify_callback_func: a function which will be called when a node has been verified

verify_callback_data: additionnal data passed to the callback func

Create a new OOB structure, copying required objects. We need to make copies for this is for usage in a separate thread. The thread member is not set here since the right way to do things is first to set up data then to fire the thread.

Return value: new object

Function: void lw6cli_oob_free (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_oob_t * oob)

sys_context: global system context

oob: the object to free

Frees an OOB structure.

Return value: none

Function: char * lw6cli_default_backends (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context)

sys_context: global system context

Returns the list of the default cli backends.

Return value: comma separated string, must not be freed.

Function: lw6sys_assoc_t * lw6cli_get_backends (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, int argc, const char * [] argv)

sys_context: global system context

argc: argc, as passed to main

argv: argv, as passed to main

List available cli backends. The hash contains pairs with id and name for each backend. The id is the technical key you can use to load the backend, the name is something more readable you can display in an interface. The backend objects themselves are not instanciated by this (in fact, they are, but released on the fly) you need to load and initialize them afterwards.

Return value: hash containing id/name pairs.

Function: lw6cli_backend_t * lw6cli_create_backend (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, int argc, const char * [] argv, const char * name)

sys_context: global system context

argc: argc, as passed to main

argv: argv, as passed to main

name: string containing cli key, typically got from lw6cli_get_backends

Creates a cli backend, this is just about loading the dynamic library if needed, and/or check cli engine is available, and connect to it. It does not perform initialization.

Return value: cli backend.

Function: void lw6cli_destroy_backend (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, lw6cli_backend_t * backend)

sys_context: global system context

backend: backend to destroy

Destroys a cli backend.

Return value: none.

Function: int lw6cli_test_register (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, int mode)

sys_context: global system context

mode: test mode (bitmask)

Registers all tests for the libcli module.

Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.

Function: int lw6cli_test_run (lw6sys_context_t * sys_context, int mode)

sys_context: global system context

mode: test mode (bitmask)

Runs the cli module test suite, testing most (if not all...) functions.

Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.

Struct: lw6cli_backend_s

The cli backend is the first argument passed to any cli function, it contains reference to all the functions which can be used as well as a pointer on associated data. In OO, this would just be an object, with members and methods, using polymorphism through opaque pointers.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: dl_handle

Type: lw6dyn_dl_handle_t *

Definition: lw6dyn_dl_handle_t* lw6cli_backend_s::dl_handle

Handle on dynamic library (if it makes sense).

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: cli_context

Type: void *

Definition: void* lw6cli_backend_s::cli_context

Cli specific data, what is behind this pointer really depends on the cli engine.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: argc

Type: int

Definition: int lw6cli_backend_s::argc

The argc value passed to main.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: argv

Type: const char **

Definition: const char** lw6cli_backend_s::argv

The argv value passed to main.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: id

Type: u_int32_t

Definition: u_int32_t lw6cli_backend_s::id

The id of the object, this is non-zero and unique within one run session, incremented at each object creation.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: name

Type: char *

Definition: char* lw6cli_backend_s::name

Module name.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: properties

Type: lw6cnx_properties_t

Definition: lw6cnx_properties_t lw6cli_backend_s::properties

General backend properties.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: init

Type: void *(*

Definition: void*(* lw6cli_backend_s::init)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, int argc, const char *argv[], lw6cnx_properties_t *properties)

Pointer on lw6cli_init callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: quit

Type: void(*

Definition: void(* lw6cli_backend_s::quit)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context)

Pointer on lw6cli_quit callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: process_oob

Type: int(*

Definition: int(* lw6cli_backend_s::process_oob)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6nod_info_t *node_info, lw6cli_oob_data_t *oob_data)

Pointer on lw6cli_process_oob callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: open

Type: lw6cnx_connection_t *(*

Definition: lw6cnx_connection_t*(* lw6cli_backend_s::open)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, const char *local_url, const char *remote_url, const char *remote_ip, int remote_port, const char *password, u_int64_t local_id, u_int64_t remote_id, int dns_ok, int network_reliability)

Pointer on lw6cli_open callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: close

Type: void(*

Definition: void(* lw6cli_backend_s::close)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6cnx_connection_t *connection)

Pointer on lw6cli_close callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: send

Type: int(*

Definition: int(* lw6cli_backend_s::send)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6cnx_connection_t *connection, int64_t now, u_int32_t physical_ticket_sig, u_int32_t logical_ticket_sig, u_int64_t logical_from_id, u_int64_t logical_to_id, const char *message)

Pointer on lw6cli_send callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: can_send

Type: int(*

Definition: int(* lw6cli_backend_s::can_send)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6cnx_connection_t *connection)

Pointer on lw6cli_can_send callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: poll

Type: void(*

Definition: void(* lw6cli_backend_s::poll)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6cnx_connection_t *connection)

Pointer on lw6cli_poll callback code.

Member of lw6cli_backend_s: repr

Type: char *(*

Definition: char*(* lw6cli_backend_s::repr)(lw6sys_context_t *sys_context, void *cli_context, lw6cnx_connection_t *connection)

Pointer on lw6cli_repr callback code.

Struct: lw6cli_oob_data_s

Holds the data for the process_oob function, this is merely a utility struct to simplify headers/

Member of lw6cli_oob_data_s: creation_timestamp

Type: int64_t

Definition: int64_t lw6cli_oob_data_s::creation_timestamp

Creation timestamp of the OOB request, this is used to know wether we have already timed out or not. This is not the node creation timestamp.

Member of lw6cli_oob_data_s: do_not_finish

Type: int

Definition: volatile int lw6cli_oob_data_s::do_not_finish

Flag used to force finish, for instance when we want to delete the object quickly and do not want to wait until a long polling-based network operation finishes completely.

Member of lw6cli_oob_data_s: public_url

Type: char *

Definition: char* lw6cli_oob_data_s::public_url

Public URL of the node, we need this at hand to serve it quickly to peers, and be able to perform basic checks.

Member of lw6cli_oob_data_s: verify_callback_func

Type: lw6cli_verify_callback_func_t

Definition: lw6cli_verify_callback_func_t lw6cli_oob_data_s::verify_callback_func

Pointer on a function which will verify if peer is OK, and act accordinlgy if it’s OK or not. Note that the callback function might be called pretty much anytime in the heavily multithreaded context of LW6 so it must be reentrant and have mutexes if needed. Indeed, it’s very likely to update some shared list of available nodes.

Member of lw6cli_oob_data_s: verify_callback_data

Type: void *

Definition: void* lw6cli_oob_data_s::verify_callback_data

Data passed to the verify_callback function.

Struct: lw6cli_oob_s

Structure containing both the thread running an OOB request and its data. It was advantagious to separate thoses two and not make the thread a permanent member of the OOB data struct, since it allows the actual OOB code to be totally unaware of the thread running it, which is, to some extent, safer.

Member of lw6cli_oob_s: thread

Type: lw6sys_thread_handler_t *

Definition: lw6sys_thread_handler_t* lw6cli_oob_s::thread

Pointer on thread running the OOB request.

Member of lw6cli_oob_s: data

Type: lw6cli_oob_data_t

Definition: lw6cli_oob_data_t lw6cli_oob_s::data

Data used by the OOB request.

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