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sys_context: global system context
ip: IP address
port: IP port
Tells wether we’re likely to be able to connect on a given host and port. This is to save ressources, any call to connect which fails will register an entry that says "OK this is rotten, don’t try it before some time, you’ll waste your ressources trying to do this".
Return value: 1 if connectable, 0 if not.
sys_context: global system context
ip: IP address
port: IP port
status: status, set to 1 if connectable, 0 if not
Registers a destination ip: port as connectable or not. Connectable means, there are chances that a connect on this might return true. The information will be kept in a cache. This is to avoid too many low-level calls to connect, the information will be kept in cache "for some time", and this way connect will return "can’t connect" right away and not even try to connect, therefore saving ressources.
Return value: none.
ip: the string to check
Tests if a given string is a valid IP (IPV4). Test is only syntaxic, it’s just to know if we’re likely to need to query the DNS, it does not mean the IP is *really* valid.
Return value: 1 if it’s an IP, O if not.
name: name of the host
A wrapper over the standard gethostbyname function, will even accept an IP as an input (in this case, will copy it...) and allocate a new string for the result.
Return value: an IP if success, NULL on error.
sys_context: global system context
Locks access to dns function lw6net_dns_gethostbyname
This is because gethostbyname
isn’t reentrant plus, even
if we didn’t use it but its multithreadable equivalent
(which is however not standard and always available)
other libs (such as libcurl
not to name it) might use
this function too so in a general manner it’s a good
idea to use a mutex to protect multiple accesses to this.
Return value: an IP if success, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
Unlocks access to dns function lw6net_dns_gethostbyname
Return value: an IP if success, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
Reports the last network error. This is basically a debug function, designed mostly for Microsoft Winsock API, but can be safely called on any platform.
Return value: the last error code, has no universal meaning, depends on the platform you’re working on.
sys_context: global system context
Guess the local IP address. This is not fool-proof, and it probably cannot be as we can’t handle all user-specific configs involving multiple IP addresses, virtual private networks, and so on. But this is just to provide a default public IP address when starting a network game, saavy users can always specify the right interface/address if needed. Will return NULL if interface can’t be guessed.
Return value: the IP as a string, dynamically allocated
sys_context: global system context
bind_ip: the IP address used to bind on
bind_port: the IP port used to bind on
Guess the server public url, based
on lw6net_if_guess_local
which tries to find a
valid local IP address which is not loopback. This is only
in case bind_ip
is (listen on all addresses) else
it will just use bind_ip
as you would expect.
Function isn’t foolproof, that’s why one can override
its default with a user settings.
Return value: the IP as a string, dynamically allocated
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket descriptor
Receives a line terminated by LF ("\n", chr(10)) or CR/LF ("\r\n", chr(10)chr(13)) on a TCP socket, that is, stream oriented. If there’s no complete line available, function returns immediately with NULL. Same if socket is closed, broken, whatever. Only if there’s something consistent will the function return non-NULL. Socket descriptor is closed on the fly on connection problem.
Return value: a dynamically allocated string with the content received. The tailing (CR)/LF is stripped.
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket descriptor
line: the line to be sent, without the "\n" at the end
Sends a line terminated by LF ("\n", chr(10)) on a TCP socket, that is, stream oriented. The "\n" is automatically added, do not bother sending it. Socket descriptor is closed on the fly on connection problem.
Return value: non-zero if success
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket descriptor
incoming_ip: the IP address of the sender (returned)
incoming_port: the IP port of the sender (returned)
Receives a line terminated by LF ("\n", chr(10)) or CR/LF ("\r\n", chr(10)chr(13)) on a UDP socket, that is, datagram oriented. If there’s no complete line available, function returns immediately with NULL. Same if socket is closed, broken, whatever. Only if there’s something consistent will the function return non-NULL. By-value parameters allow the caller to know where the data come from.
Return value: a dynamically allocated string with the content received. The tailing (CR)/LF is stripped.
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket descriptor
incoming_ip: the IP address of the sender (returned)
incoming_port: the IP port of the sender (returned)
Receives several lines terminated by LF ("\n", chr(10)) or
CR/LF ("\r\n", chr(10)chr(13)) on a UDP socket, that is,
datagram oriented. If there’s no complete line
available, function returns immediately with NULL. Same
if socket is closed, broken, whatever. Only if there’s
something consistent will the function return non-NULL.
By-value parameters allow the caller to know where the
data come from. This variant of lw6net_recv_line_tcp
return a list of lines, this is mandatory since in UDP
we can’t call recv several times.
Return value: a list of dynamically allocated strings. The tailing (CR)/LF is stripped from strings.
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket descriptor
line: the line to be sent, without the "\n" at the end
ip: the IP address of the target
port: the IP port of the target
Sends a line terminated by LF ("\n", chr(10)) on a UDP socket, that is, datagram oriented. The "\n" is automatically added, do not bother sending it.
Return value: the number of bytes sent, 0 if failure
sys_context: global system context
argc: argc as passed to main
argv: argv as passed to main
net_log: 1 if you want to enable net log, 0 if not
Initializes the low-level network API, you must call this before calling any other network related function, for it allocates a dynamic context which is in turn used by every function.
Return value: non-zero if success
sys_context: global system context
Frees memory, joins active threads, and releases everything set up by network code.
Return value: void
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket to modify
mode: the mode to use (1 -> blocking mode, 0 -> non-blocking)
Sets the blocking mode of a socket, the reason we use
this is that ioctl
isn’t portable (ioctlsocket
on MS-Windows).
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket to test
Tells if a socket is valid or not. This does not mean the socket is opened/connected and/or the peer is reachable, it just checks the socket is a valid descriptor. In practice it’s just to avoid copy/pasting if (sock>=0)" everywhere.
Return value: 1 if valid, 0 if not
sys_context: global system context
sock: the socket to close
Closes a socket, that is, stop activity and free its descriptor. This function will take a pointer on the socket, this is done on purpose, the idea is to make sure once the socket is closed it’s never used again within the code, so we modify the pointed value in place.
Return value: none.
sys_context: global system context
ip: IP address to bind to
port: IP port to listen on
Listens in TCP on a given port.
Return value: >=0 on success, -1 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
incoming_ip: address of remote peer (out param, dynamically allocated)
incoming_port: port of remote peer (out param)
listening_sock: socket to listen on
delay_msec: delay, in msec, after which we stop accepting
Accepts for a connexion on the given socket.
Return value: the new socket (>=0) if accepted, else -1
sys_context: global system context
ip: address to connect to
port: port to connect to
delay_msec: delay before we consider it’s too late
Tries to connect on a given socket.
Return value: socket (>=0) on success, else -1
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
delay_msec: delay after which we give up
loop: accept to do several calls if needed
Will send data, possibly looping until all is send, and waiting for a maximum time of delay_msec. If the send reveals a socket closed by peer or other serious problem, socket is closed and sock set to -1.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
delay_msec: maximum time to wait
Tells wether data is available. Will actually fill the buffer with the data, but not remove it from the fifo list. If the peel reveals a socket closed by peer or other serious problem, socket is closed and sock set to -1.
Return value: number of bytes available, 0 when nothing
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
delay_msec: maximum time to wait
loop: wether to loop or not
If data is available, put it in buffer. If needed, will
loop until delay_msec
is elapsed. Data is removed from queue.
If the peel reveals a socket closed
by peer or other serious problem, socket is closed and sock set to -1.
Return value: number of bytes received, 0 when nothing
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to test
Tells wether a socket is alive and able to send data. This function will attempt a write to test if it’s really usable. If not, will close in on the fly.
Return value: 1 if alive, 0 if not.
sys_context: global system context
mode: test mode (bitmask)
Registers all tests for the libnet module.
Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
mode: test mode (bitmask)
Runs the net
module test suite, testing most (if not all...)
Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
Creates an UDP client socket, that is, creates it and does not bind it to any address.
Return value: socket (>=0) on success, else -1
sys_context: global system context
ip: IP address to bind to
port: IP port to listen on
Creates an UDP listening socket, that is, creates it and binds it on a given address.
Return value: socket (>=0) on success, else -1
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
ip: IP address to send data to
port: IP port to send data to
Sends an UDP datagram. Size can’t be longer than about 1400 bytes, see problems about MTU, in practice all values arround 1000 are quite safe, 500 is pretty much garanteed to work everywhere, and for various reasons 1452 is a good maximum bet.
Return value: number of bytes sent
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
Peeks for a UDP datagram. Will not remove the data from queue.
Return value: number of bytes received
sys_context: global system context
sock: socket to use
buf: data buffer
len: data buffer length
Receives a UDP datagram. Will remove the data from queue.
Return value: number of bytes received