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sys_context: global system context
argc: number of args, as passed to main
argv: args array, as passed to main
name: the database name
Creates a new database object. Normally there’s only one object like this at a given time, it can be shared among various nodes. The database name is appended to user directory path, this allows different databases to be created, in theory.
Return value: a pointer on the newly created object.
sys_context: global system context
db: the db to close
Closes a db object, memory ressources will be freed.
Return value: none.
sys_context: global system context
db: the db to work on
Gives a readable representation of the db
Return value: a dynamically allocated string
sys_context: global system context
argc: number of args, as passed to main
argv: args array, as passed to main
name: the database name
Clears the database. Simply removes the db file, in fact. Do not call while database is used...
Return value: 1 on success, 0 if failed.
sys_context: global system context
Returns the default database name, should be p2p.db (this is a relative path, not an absolute path, will be appended to user dir).
Return value: the default database name, need not (must not) be freed.
sys_context: global system context
db: the db object concerned (used to calculate time origin)
timestamp: the timestamp as returned by lw6sys_get_timestamp
Returns a timestamp suitable for db usage (seconds since object creation), set to the timestamp passed as an argument (milliseconds). The reason we don’t use regular timestamps is that they are 1) too accurate (msec is useless for what’s involved here) and 2) too big and likely to be negative in signed mode even if converted to seconds.
Return value: a timestamp, 0 means "beginning of program" (think of it as uptime)
sys_context: global system context
db: the db object concerned (used to calculate time origin)
Returns a timestamp suitable for db usage, (seconds since object creation) set to the current moment. The reason we don’t use regular timestamps is that they are 1) too accurate (msec is useless for what’s involved here) and 2) too big and likely to be negative in signed mode even if converted to seconds.
Return value: a timestamp, 0 means "beginning of program" (think of it as uptime)
sys_context: global system context
creation_timestamp: when it has been created, UNIX timestamp
version: version of the node
codename: codename of the node
stamp: stamp of the node
id: id of the node (string representation)
url: public url of the node
title: title of the node
description: description of the node
has_password: wether node is password protected or not
bench: node bench
open_relay: wether the node is in open relay mode or not
round: current round
level: current level played
required_bench: current bench
nb_colors: number of colors playing
max_nb_colors: maximum number of colors
nb_cursors: number of cursors playing
max_nb_cursors: maximum number of cursors
nb_nodes: number of nodes playing
max_nb_nodes: maximum number of nodes
ip: node ip (string representation)
port: node port
last_ping_timestamp: UNIX timestamp of last contact with node
ping_delay_msec: ping delay, in milliseconds
available: wether node is available, wether we can connect to it
Creates a new p2p entry. Will accept NULL parameters for strings as well as arbitrary long strings, will simply cut them short if there aren’t already limited to max size.
Return value: newly allocated object
sys_context: global system context
entry: entry to free
Frees a p2p entry.
Return value: none.
sys_context: global system context
entry: entry to represent
Gives a human-readable representation of the entry
Return value: dynamically allocated string
sys_context: global system context
argc: number of args, as passed to main
argv: args array, as passed to main
db: the database to use
client_backends: the list of client backends to use
server_backends: the list of server backends to use
bind_ip: the IP address to bind on
bind_port: the IP port to listen on
broadcast: wether broadcast is allowed on this node
node_id: the node id
public_url: the public URL we want to show
title: the title of the node
description: the description of the node
password: the password to use
bench: the bench of the node (its power)
open_relay: act as an open relay or not
known_nodes: list of already known nodes
network_reliability: drop 1 packet out of X
trojan: act as a stupid trojan to test out automatic kick-off
Creates a new "pear to pear" node. This will fire the server and allow client access, on demand. A lot of stuff can be done in the background once this is called.
Return value: a pointer on the newly created objects.
sys_context: global system context
node: the node to free
Frees a node object, all network communications will be shut.
Return value: none.
sys_context: global system context
node: the node to work on
Gives a readable representation of the node
Return value: a dynamically allocated string
sys_context: global system context
node: the node to poll
progress: progress indicator to show the advancement
Polls a p2p node. This must be called on a regular basis, else network communication is stalled.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
node: the node to close
Closes a p2p node. Closing is necessary in some contexts, for instance scheme/smob instanciation when you want to release the object ressources (sockets, ports, threads...) *before* it is deleted by, for instance, a garbage collector.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
node: the node to query
Returns the node id, an id which is supposed to uniquely identify the node at run-time.
Return value: numerical id.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to query
skip_local: wether to skip local node, 1 to skip, 0 to keep
Returns a list of all known nodes, this is a plain table dump, sorted so that the most likely to be interesting to connect oneself to are listed *last*, this is just a (little) optimization, since we know we’ll need to parse this list to construct a Guile object, we reverse the order.
Return value: list object containing lw6p2p_entry_t
sys_context: global system context
node: node to start
seq_0: seq when starting the server
Starts a node in server mode, if node was previously connected to other nodes, disconnect it from any peer.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to use
remote_id: id of remote node to join
remote_url: url of remote node to join
progress: progress indicator to show end-user the advancement of process
Starts a node in client mode, joins the given node, if node was previously connected to other nodes, disconnect it from any peer.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to use
remote_id: id of remote node to refresh
remote_url: url of remote node to refresh
Forces a refresh of a remote node, that is, try and get more up-to-date informations from it, not waiting for the standard update schedule.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to disconnect
Disconnects a node, if node was previously connected to other nodes, disconnect it from any peer. Note that this does not affect out-of-band connections, only real game-related links.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to update
round: the current round (can have an offset with real round number)
level: the name of the current level (map)
nb_colors: number of colors playing
max_nb_colors: max number of colors allowed
nb_cursors: number of cursors playing
max_nb_cursors: max number of cursors allowed
nb_nodes: number of nodes playing
max_nb_nodes: max number of nodes allowed
game_screenshot_size: size of screenshot (bytes)
game_screenshot_data: screenshot data (byte buffer, contains JPEG)
Updates node info, that is, all the data/metadata which can be displayed to other peers and are, by nature, dynamic.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to calibrate
timestamp: the current ticks setting (1000 ticks per second)
seq: the round expected to be returned with this ticks value
Calibrates the node, so that sequence numbering is consistent accross nodes.
Return value: none.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the reference local seq_0 for this node, the information is taken from the warehouse, even if node->calibrate_seq should probably return the same value.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the local seq_last for this node, the information is taken from the warehouse, which has parsed the messages and this information can in return be used to avoid maintaining outside of the node the information about what was the last seq used for a local message.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the minimum seq registered, not of utmost importance but interesting for debugging purpose, to check what’s in the warehouse.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the maximum seq registered, this is typically used for guessing which seq might make sense for this node, but in a real example one should rely on algorithm/ker-side kept values.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the seq of the current draft as the warehouse understands it. Note that it’s the responsibility of the caller to update the pilot according to this, this information is just about what is in the warehouse, not necessarly what is in the pilot / game_state.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
Gets the seq of the current reference as the warehouse understands it. Note that it’s the responsibility of the caller to update the pilot according to this, this information is just about what is in the warehouse, not necessarly what is in the pilot / game_state.
Return value: the seq.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
peer_id: id of the peer we want to check
Tests wether the node is connected to us. This is a different question from being registered, being connected means there’s a tentacle connected to the peer, but it does not necessarly means this peer actively takes part in the game.
Return value: 1 if connected, 0 if not.
sys_context: global system context
node: the object to query
peer_id: id of the peer we want to check
Tests wether the node is registered within the warehouse. This is a different question from being connected, being registered means we received a message (possibly from another peer) that means "this peer is part of the game" regardless of the fact it’s connected or not. Returns true if test is performed with the local id.
Return value: 1 if registered, 0 if not.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to query
Returns true (1) if the local node needs to send a SEED message. A SEED message will basically be sent at the beginning of a session when a client connects to a server. Basically this message is of no use but it’s interesting to have a short message (not DUMP) to start with.
Return value: 1 if SEED must be sent.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to query
Returns true (1) if the local node needs to send a DUMP message. A DUMP message will basically reset level, game struct, game state, it’s typically sent when a new player is connected. This function will return true once then always 0 so one should really act and do something whenever it’s called and returns 1.
Return value: 1 if DUMP must be sent.
sys_context: global system context
node: node object to use
msg: message
Puts a message in the object. The message will be splitted into several atoms if needed, it can be arbitrary long.
Return value: 1 on success, 0 on error
sys_context: global system context
node: node to query
progress: progress indicator (read/write)
Get the next waiting reference msg. This is used to maintain the stable reference game state we can rely upon. One is supposed to call this until it returns NULL, then switch draft messages.
Return value: newly allocated string, must be freed.
sys_context: global system context
node: node to query
progress: progress indicator (read/write)
Get the next waiting draft msg. This is used to maintain the anticipated draft game state we use for drawing. One is supposed to call this after all reference messages have been treated.
Return value: newly allocated string, must be freed.
sys_context: global system context
mode: test mode (bitmask)
Registers all tests for the libp2p module.
Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.
sys_context: global system context
mode: test mode (bitmask)
Runs the p2p
module test suite, testing most (if not all...)
Return value: 1 if test is successfull, 0 on error.
Handler on a database connection, this must be used to pass order to store/retrieve persistent informations about peers.
Type: u_int32_t
Definition: u_int32_t lw6p2p_db_s::id
The first member, id, is the same as the internal _lw6p2p_db_t structure. The rest of it is hidden. The program will cast from lw6p2p_db_t to _lw6p2p_db_t internally.
This entry object matches as close as possible the corresponding (node) entry in the database.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::creation_timestamp
Node creation timestamp.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::version[LW6P2P_VERSION_SIZE+1]
Node version.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::codename[LW6P2P_CODENAME_SIZE+1]
Node codename.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::stamp
Node stamp.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::id[LW6P2P_ID_SIZE+1]
Node id, 64-bit integer as an hexa string.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::url[LW6P2P_URL_SIZE+1]
Node URL, the public URL it displays to others.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::title[LW6P2P_TITLE_SIZE+1]
Node title, the short readable name for the node.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::description[LW6P2P_DESCRIPTION_SIZE+1]
Node description, mode details about this node.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::has_password
Wether it requires a password or not.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::bench
Node bench, reflects how powerfull it is.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::open_relay
Wether this node acts as an open relay or not.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::community_id[LW6P2P_COMMUNITY_ID_SIZE+1]
Community id, 64-bit integer as an hexa string.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::round
Current round.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::level[LW6P2P_LEVEL_SIZE+1]
Level used.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::required_bench
Required bench to connect to this community.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::nb_colors
Number of colors playing.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::max_nb_colors
Maximum number of colors allowed to play.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::nb_cursors
Number of cursors playing.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::max_nb_cursors
Maximum number of cursors allowed to play.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::nb_nodes
Number of nodes playing.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::max_nb_nodes
Maximum number of nodes playing.
Type: char
Definition: char lw6p2p_entry_s::ip[LW6P2P_IP_SIZE+1]
IP addess of node.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::port
IP port of node.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::last_ping_timestamp
Last time this node has been pinged.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::ping_delay_msec
Ping delay, in milliseconds.
Type: int
Definition: int lw6p2p_entry_s::available
Wether this node is ready to accept connections.
Node object, the main network object, this one will encaspulate everything else, the node can connect to other peers, listen on the network, it’s the high-level interface.
Type: u_int32_t
Definition: u_int32_t lw6p2p_node_s::id
The first member, id, is the same as the internal _lw6p2p_node_t structure. The rest of it is hidden. The program will cast from lw6p2p_node_t to _lw6p2p_node_t internally.