GNU mifluz - Tutorial
Usage of GNU mifluz
The purpose of mifluz is to provide a C++ library to store a full text inverted index. To put it briefly, it allows storage of occurrences of words in such a way that they can later be searched. The basic idea of an inverted index is to associate each unique word with a list of documents in which they appear. This list can then be searched to locate the documents containing a specific word.
The indexer
The first step is to create a text indexer algorithm to count the words of a text. To become, we needs to determine a data model and characters filters rules.
The data structure
struct wordCounting{ string word; int nb; string filename; };
The characters filter
char charFilter (char pin) { pin=tolower(pin); if (pin == 'é' || pin=='è' || pin=='ê' || pin =='ë' ) return 'e'; if (pin == 'à' || pin=='â' || pin =='ä') return 'a'; if (pin == 'î' || pin=='ï' ) return 'i'; if (pin == 'ô' || pin=='ö' ) return 'o'; if (pin == 'ù' || pin=='û' || pin=='ü') return 'u'; if (pin == ',' || pin=='"' || pin=='\''|| pin==';'|| pin=='!'|| pin=='?'|| pin=='$'|| pin=='&'|| pin==')'|| pin=='('|| pin=='.'|| pin==':' || pin=='-'|| pin=='_' || pin=='-' || pin==']' || pin=='[' || pin=='/' ) return ' '; return pin; }
The word filter
string stringFilter (string &pin) { stringstream ret; for (unsigned int i=0;i<pin.length();i++) { ret<<charFilter (; } return ret.str(); }
The text parser
map<string,wordCounting *> parseWords (string &pFile) { map<string,wordCounting *> list; char c; ifstream is; (pFile.c_str()); // open file string wordstream; map<string,wordCounting *>::iterator it; while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible { is.get(c); // get character from file c=charFilter(c); if (c==' '||c=='\n' || c=='\t' || c=='\0') { if (!wordstream.empty()) { wordCounting *res; it=list.find(wordstream); if( it == list.end() ) { res = new wordCounting(); res->word=wordstream; res->nb=0; res->filename=pFile; list.insert( make_pair( wordstream, res ) ); } else res=it->second; res->nb++; } wordstream=""; } else { wordstream+=c; } } is.close(); return list; }
The mifluz Usage
After filt and build a word list, we can become to use the mifluz Engine.
Save in mifluz
mifluz needs a data model to save data in mifluz. The first element of the data modele is the word that is saved in the dictionnary and that is the word searched. With this data we can add parameters as Ranking and file Id.
static ConfigDefaults defaultsInd[] = { { "wordlist_wordkey_description","Word 30/Rank 15/Location 15"}, { 0 } };
Convert Data index model to mifluz model
static map<int,string> file_list; void addList(map<string,wordCounting *> &list,WordList *words) { map<int,string>::iterator iteror; map<string,wordCounting *>::iterator iter; for( iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++ ) { bool isOnList=false; int idFile=-100; for (iteror=file_list.begin();iteror!=file_list.end();iteror++) { if (iteror->second==iter->second->filename) { idFile=iteror->first; isOnList=true; break; } } if (!isOnList) { idFile=file_list.size()+1; file_list.insert(make_pair(idFile,iter->second->filename)); } stringstream el; el<<iter->second->word<<" "<<iter->second->nb<<" "<<idFile; words->Override(words->Word(el.str().c_str())); } }
The mifluz environment
void action(WordContext* context) { WordList *words = context->List(); words->Open("words2.db", O_RDWR|O_TRUNC); string file = "file1.test"; map<string,wordCounting *> list=parseWords (file); //..... on peut effectuer ces recherche words->Close(); delete words; }
The search
List *results = words->FindWord("which"); WordReference *match; for(results->Start_Get(); (match = (WordReference*)results->Get_Next());) { map<int,string>::iterator iteror; iteror = file_list.find(match->Key().Get(2)); cout <<"on File ="<<iteror->second<<" with nb words="<<match->Key().Get(1) <<endl; }
The complete source code
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GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GNU mifluz is currently being maintained by