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Answer all the receiver’s superspaces in a collection
Evaluate aBlock once for each of the receiver’s superspaces (which is none for BindingDictionary).
Answer a kind of Set containing the keys of the receiver
Answer whether the receiver defines the given key. ‘Defines’ means that the receiver’s superspaces, if any, are not considered.
Return the association for the variable named as specified by ‘key’ *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and the method will fail.
Return the association for the variable named as specified by ‘key’ *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and aBlock will be immediately evaluated.
Return the value associated to the variable named as specified by ‘key’ *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and the method will fail.
Return the value associated to the variable named as specified by ‘key’ *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and aBlock will be immediately evaluated.
Answer whether aNamespace is one of the receiver’s direct and indirect superspaces
Answer the receiver’s superspace, which is nil for BindingDictionary.
Answer the receiver and all of its superspaces in a collection, which is none for BindingDictionary
Invokes aBlock for the receiver and all superspaces, both direct and indirect (though a BindingDictionary does not have any).
Next: Dictionary-printing, Previous: Dictionary-dictionary testing, Up: Dictionary [Index]