- name: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass
Private - create a full featured class and install it, or change the
superclass or shape of an existing one; instance variable names,
class variable names and pool dictionaries are left untouched.
- name: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: newSuperclass instanceVariableArray: variableArray shape: shape classPool: classVarDict poolDictionaries: sharedPoolNames category: categoryName
Private - create a full featured class and install it, or change an
existing one
- name: newName environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass instanceVariableNames: stringOfInstVarNames shape: shape classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryName
Private - parse the instance and class variables, and the pool
dictionaries, then create the class.
- newMeta: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass instanceVariableArray: arrayOfInstVarNames shape: shape classPool: classVarDict poolDictionaries: sharedPoolNames category: categoryName
Private - create a full featured class and install it