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Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight.
Returns the number of seconds to/from 1/1/2000.
Answer a String associated with the current timezone (either standard or daylight-saving) on this operating system. For example, the answer could be ‘EST’ to indicate Eastern Standard Time; the answer can be empty and can’t be assumed to be a three-character code such as ‘EST’.
Specifies the current bias, in seconds, for local time translation for the current time. The bias is the difference, in seconds, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time; a positive bias indicates that the local timezone is to the east of Greenwich (e.g. Europe, Asia), while a negative bias indicates that it is to the west (e.g. America)
Specifies the bias, in seconds, for local time translation for the given second clock value (0 being midnight of 1/1/1901). The bias is the difference, in seconds, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time; a positive bias indicates that the local timezone is to the east of Greenwich (e.g. Europe, Asia), while a negative bias indicates that it is to the west (e.g. America)