Seaside is a framework to build highly interactive web applications quickly, reusably and maintainably. Features of Seaside include callback-based request handling, hierarchical (component-based) page design, and modal session management to easily implement complex workflows.
A simple Seaside component looks like this:
Seaside.WAComponent subclass: MyCounter [ | count | MyCounter class >> canBeRoot [ ^true ] initialize [ super initialize. count := 0. ] states [ ^{ self } ] renderContentOn: html [ html heading: count. html anchor callback: [ count := count + 1 ]; with: '++'. html space. html anchor callback: [ count := count - 1 ]; with: '--'. ] ] MyCounter registerAsApplication: 'mycounter'
Most of the time, you will run Seaside in a background virtual machine. First of all, you should load the Seaside packages into a new image like this:
$ gst-load -iI Seaside Seaside-Development Seaside-Examples
Then, you can start Seaside with either of these commands
$ gst-load -I --start Seaside $ gst-remote -I --daemon --start=Seaside
which will start serving pages at http://localhost:8080/seaside.
The former starts the server in foreground, the latter instead runs a
virtual machine that you can control using further invocations of
. For example, you can stop serving Seaside
pages, and bring down the server, respectively with these commands:
$ gst-remote --stop=Seaside $ gst-remote --kill