4 Moving the Cursor

GNU Info has several commands which allow you to move the cursor about the screen.

With a numeric argument, the motion commands are simply executed that many times; for example, a numeric argument of 4 given to next-line causes the cursor to move down 4 lines. With a negative numeric argument, the motion is reversed; an argument of −4 given to the next-line command would cause the cursor to move up 4 lines.

C-n (next-line)
DOWN (an arrow key)

Move the cursor down to the next line.

C-p (prev-line)
UP (an arrow key)

Move the cursor up to the previous line.

C-a (beginning-of-line)

Move the cursor to the start of the current line.

C-e (end-of-line)

Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

C-f (forward-char)
RIGHT (an arrow key)

Move the cursor forward a character.

C-b (backward-char)
LEFT (an arrow key)

Move the cursor backward a character.

M-f (forward-word)

Move the cursor forward a word.

M-b (backward-word)

Move the cursor backward a word.

M-< (beginning-of-node)

Move the cursor to the start of the current node.

M-> (end-of-node)

Move the cursor to the end of the current node.

M-r (move-to-window-line)

Move the cursor to a specific line of the window. Without a numeric argument, M-r moves the cursor to the start of the line in the center of the window. With a numeric argument of n, M-r moves the cursor to the start of the nth line in the window.