Next: Transforming Existing Translation in PO Format, Previous: Wrapping Long Lines, Up: Working with PO Files [Contents][Index]
This section contains additional explanations, some in the form of advice and recommendations; not all of them are strictly related to PO files editing.
In the next build, your article.lang.html will be built and the link to it will be added to the list of translations and propagate to all translations, provided that they are under GNUN’s control.
for you, as appropriate.
and edit the latter by
translating the English text. In PO mode of Emacs, this is done by C-j.
This is useful also for large chunks of text in <pre>
which normally you would want to preserve verbatim.
using M-q in Emacs (or other means) is
considered harmful. It is best to leave GNUN (or more precisely, Po4a)
do the wrapping—that way all generated HTML translations will have
predictable results. This will help tremendously for the conversion to
other formats, like Texinfo. Also, note that not all elements are
wrapped by default, so deliberately wrapping the text inside the
could lead to an invalid page or a page that is valid, but
is rendered incorrectly by the web browser.
Next: Transforming Existing Translation in PO Format, Previous: Wrapping Long Lines, Up: Working with PO Files [Contents][Index]