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Archiv früherer FSF- und GNU-Veranstaltungen

Hinweis: Die Veranstaltungen werden nun unter der Internetpräsenz der Free Software Foundation (FSF) weitergeführt.

Dies sind Ereignisse, die die FSF oder das GNU-Projekt gefördert hat, oder Veranstaltungen von Interesse für die Freie-Software-Bewegung. Würden wir jedes derartige Ereignis angeben, wäre die Liste viel zu lang. Stehen uns allerdings interessante Materialien zu einem bestimmten Ereignis (wie Aufzeichnungen, Transkripte und Bilder) zur Verfügung, führen wir sie hier mit den entsprechenden Verweisen auf.

Events in New York between January 20-23, 2004.
The FSF organized a fundraising dinner at San Francisco, CA.
The FSF held its first Associate Membership meeting at MIT campus in Cambridge, MA. Pictures from the meeting are also available.
The FSF and the FSF Europe participated in this year's Porto, Technological City, an event dedicated to Free Software in Portugal. Bradley M. Kuhn gave a talk on “Software Freedom, the GNU Generation and the GNU General Public License” and Loïc Dachary spoke on “Free Software Development and Associations Throughout the World”. A booth was set up for the FSF and the FSF Europe. A report and some photographs are available.
The GNU project and its contributors received the 2001 USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award. On behalf of all GNU contributors, Robert J. Chassell accepted the award at the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference at the Copley Marriott Hotel in Boston, MA, USA. A copy of the acceptance speech, a copy of the press conference statements, and a a press release about the award are available. There are pictures of the award taken by Ellie Young and Geoffrey Knauth.
Richard M. Stallman gave a speech, Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation, at New York University in New York, New York on 29 May 2001. Electronic audio recordings, a transcript, summary, a press release and pictures are available.
During a Boston visit of FSF Europe Vice President Loïc Dachary, the FSF staff held an event to toast the recent founding of FSF Europe. Pictures from the event are available.
Richard M. Stallman gave a speech, Copyright and Globalization in the Age of Computer Networks, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts on 19 April 2001. An electronic audio recording is available.
Brian Paul received the 2000 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software in Paris at the Museum of Jewish Art and History in Paris, France.
Richard M. Stallman gave a speech, The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System at ArsDigita University in Cambridge, Massachusetts on 2 January 2001. An electronic audio recording is available.
Richard M. Stallman gave a speech, The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System at LinuxTag [sic] 2000 in Stuttgart, Germany on 1 July 2000. An electronic audio recording is available.
Richard M. Stallman gave a speech, The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA on 24 January 2000. An electronic audio recording is available.
Miguel de Icaza received the 1999 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software at a conference called “The Bazaar”.
Larry Wall received the 1998 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software at the MIT Media Lab.

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