ccRTP 2.1.2
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1 // Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
2 // Copyright (C) 2006-2014 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
3 // Copyright (C) 2015 Cherokees of Idaho.
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 // along with GNU ccRTP. If not, see <>.
17 //
18 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
19 // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
20 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
21 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
22 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
23 // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
24 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
25 // the GNU General Public License.
26 //
27 // This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
28 // ccRTP. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
29 // ccRTP, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
30 // not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
31 // anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
32 // this exception notice from them.
33 //
34 // If you write modifications of your own for GNU ccRTP, it is your choice
35 // whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
36 // If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
37 //
50 #ifndef CCXX_RTP_RTP_H_
51 #define CCXX_RTP_RTP_H_
53 #include <ccrtp/cqueue.h>
54 #include <ccrtp/channel.h>
84  template <class RTPDataChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel,
85  class RTCPChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel,
86  class ServiceQueue = AVPQueue>
87  class __EXPORT TRTPSessionBase : public ServiceQueue
88  {
89  public:
99  TRTPSessionBase(const InetHostAddress& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
100  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
101  RTPApplication& app) :
102  ServiceQueue(membersSize,app)
103  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort); }
116  TRTPSessionBase(uint32 ssrc,
117  const InetHostAddress& ia,
118  tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort,
119  uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication& app):
120  ServiceQueue(ssrc,membersSize,app)
121  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort); }
135  TRTPSessionBase(const InetMcastAddress& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
136  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
137  RTPApplication& app, uint32 iface) :
138  ServiceQueue(membersSize,app)
139  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort,iface); }
155  TRTPSessionBase(uint32 ssrc,
156  const InetMcastAddress& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
157  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
158  RTPApplication& app, uint32 iface) :
159  ServiceQueue(ssrc,membersSize,app)
160  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort,iface); }
162  virtual size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
163  {
164  return QueueRTCPManager::dispatchBYE(str);
165  }
173  inline Socket::Error
174  setMcastTTL(uint8 ttl)
175  {
176  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(true);
177  if ( error ) return error;
178  error = dso->setTimeToLive(ttl);
179  if ( error ) return error;
180  error = cso->setMulticast(true);
181  if ( error ) return error;
182  return cso->setTimeToLive(ttl);
183  }
185  inline virtual
187  {
188  endSocket();
189  }
191  inline RTPDataChannel *getDSO(void)
192  {return dso;}
194  protected:
198  inline bool
200  { return dso->isPendingRecv(timeout); }
202  InetHostAddress
203  getDataSender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
204  { return dso->getSender(port); }
206  inline size_t
208  { return dso->getNextPacketSize(); }
219  inline size_t
220  recvData(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len,
221  InetHostAddress& na, tpport_t& tp)
222  { na = dso->getSender(tp); return dso->recv(buffer, len); }
224  inline void
225  setDataPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
226  { dso->setPeer(host,port); }
233  inline size_t
234  sendData(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
235  { return dso->send(buffer, len); }
237  inline SOCKET getDataRecvSocket() const
238  { return dso->getRecvSocket(); }
244  inline bool
246  { return cso->isPendingRecv(timeout); }
248  InetHostAddress
249  getControlSender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
250  { return cso->getSender(port); }
261  inline size_t
262  recvControl(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len,
263  InetHostAddress& na, tpport_t& tp)
264  { na = cso->getSender(tp); return cso->recv(buffer,len); }
266  inline void
267  setControlPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
268  { cso->setPeer(host,port); }
275  inline size_t
276  sendControl(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
277  { return cso->send(buffer,len); }
279  inline SOCKET getControlRecvSocket() const
280  { return cso->getRecvSocket(); }
288  inline Socket::Error
289  joinGroup(const InetMcastAddress& ia, uint32 iface)
290  {
291  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(true);
292  if ( error ) return error;
293  error = dso->join(ia,iface);
294  if ( error ) return error;
295  error = cso->setMulticast(true);
296  if ( error ) {
297  dso->drop(ia);
298  return error;
299  }
300  error = cso->join(ia,iface);
301  if ( error ) {
302  dso->drop(ia);
303  return error;
304  }
305  return Socket::errSuccess;
306  }
314  inline Socket::Error
315  leaveGroup(const InetMcastAddress& ia)
316  {
317  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(false);
318  if ( error ) return error;
319  error = dso->leaveGroup(ia);
320  if ( error ) return error;
321  error = cso->setMulticast(false);
322  if ( error ) return error;
323  return cso->leaveGroup(ia);
324  }
326  inline void
328  {
329  if (dso) {
330  dso->endSocket();
331  delete dso;
332  }
333  dso = NULL;
334  if (cso) {
335  cso->endSocket();
336  delete cso;
337  }
338  cso = NULL;
339  }
341  private:
342  void
343  build(const InetHostAddress& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
344  tpport_t controlPort)
345  {
346  if ( 0 == controlPort ) {
347  dataBasePort = even_port(dataPort);
348  controlBasePort = dataBasePort + 1;
349  } else {
350  dataBasePort = dataPort;
351  controlBasePort = controlPort;
352  }
353  dso = new RTPDataChannel(ia,dataBasePort);
354  cso = new RTCPChannel(ia,controlBasePort);
355  }
357  void
358  build(const InetMcastAddress& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
359  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 iface)
360  {
361  if ( 0 == controlPort ) {
362  dataBasePort = even_port(dataPort);
363  controlBasePort = dataBasePort + 1;
364  } else {
365  dataBasePort = dataPort;
366  controlBasePort = controlPort;
367  }
368  dso = new RTPDataChannel(InetHostAddress(""),dataBasePort);
369  cso = new RTCPChannel(InetHostAddress(""),controlBasePort);
370  joinGroup(ia,iface);
371  }
380  inline tpport_t
381  odd_port(tpport_t port)
382  { return (port & 0x01)? (port) : (port - 1); }
391  inline tpport_t
392  even_port(tpport_t port)
393  { return (port & 0x01)? (port - 1) : (port); }
395  tpport_t dataBasePort;
396  tpport_t controlBasePort;
398  protected:
399  RTPDataChannel* dso;
400  RTCPChannel* cso;
401  friend class RTPSessionBaseHandler;
402  };
414  template
415  <class RTPDataChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel,
416  class RTCPChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel,
417  class ServiceQueue = AVPQueue>
419  protected Thread,
420  public TRTPSessionBase<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>
421  {
422  public:
423  SingleThreadRTPSession(const InetHostAddress& ia,
424  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
425  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
426  int pri = 0,
427  uint32 memberssize =
430 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
431  );
432 #else
433  ):
434  Thread(pri),
436  (ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app)
437  { }
438 #endif
440  SingleThreadRTPSession(uint32 ssrc, const InetHostAddress& ia,
441  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
442  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
443  int pri = 0,
444  uint32 memberssize =
447 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
448  );
449 #else
450  ):
451  Thread(pri),
453  (ssrc, ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app)
454 { }
455 #endif
457 SingleThreadRTPSession(const InetMcastAddress& ia,
458  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
459  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
460  int pri = 0,
461  uint32 memberssize =
464  uint32 iface = 0
465 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
466  );
467 #else
468  ):
469  Thread(pri),
471  (ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app,iface)
472  { }
473 #endif
475 SingleThreadRTPSession(uint32 ssrc, const InetMcastAddress& ia,
476  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
477  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
478  int pri = 0,
479  uint32 memberssize =
482  uint32 iface = 0
483 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
484  );
485 #else
486  ):
487  Thread(pri),
489  (ssrc,ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app,iface)
490 { }
491 #endif
495 {
496  if (isRunning()) {
497  disableStack(); Thread::join();
498  }
499 }
501 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
502 virtual void startRunning();
503 #else
507 void
509 { enableStack(); Thread::start(); }
510 #endif
513 protected:
514 inline void disableStack(void)
517 inline void enableStack(void)
523 inline void controlReceptionService(void)
526 inline void controlTransmissionService(void)
529 inline timeval getRTCPCheckInterval(void)
532 inline size_t dispatchDataPacket(void)
535 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
536 virtual void run(void);
538 virtual void timerTick(void);
540 virtual bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout);
541 #else
543 virtual void timerTick(void)
544 {return;}
546 virtual bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout)
553 virtual void run(void)
554 {
555  microtimeout_t timeout = 0;
556  while ( ServiceQueue::isActive() ) {
557  if ( timeout < 1000 ){ // !(timeout/1000)
558  timeout = getSchedulingTimeout();
559  }
560  controlReceptionService();
561  controlTransmissionService();
562  microtimeout_t maxWait =
563  timeval2microtimeout(getRTCPCheckInterval());
564  // make sure the scheduling timeout is
565  // <= the check interval for RTCP
566  // packets
567  timeout = (timeout > maxWait)? maxWait : timeout;
568  if ( timeout < 1000 ) { // !(timeout/1000)
569  dispatchDataPacket();
570  timerTick();
571  } else {
572  if ( isPendingData(timeout/1000) ) {
573  if (ServiceQueue::isActive()) { // take in only if active
574  takeInDataPacket();
575  }
576  }
577  timeout = 0;
578  }
579  }
580  dispatchBYE("GNU ccRTP stack finishing.");
581 // Thread::exit();
582 }
584 #endif
586 inline size_t takeInDataPacket(void)
589 inline size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
591 };
608 typedef RTPSession RTPSocket;
619  SymmetricRTPChannel> SymmetricRTPSession;
621 #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
644 template <class RTPDataChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv6Channel,
645  class RTCPChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv6Channel,
646  class ServiceQueue = AVPQueue>
647 class __EXPORT TRTPSessionBaseIPV6 : public ServiceQueue
648 {
649 public:
659 TRTPSessionBaseIPV6(const IPV6Host& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
660  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
661  RTPApplication& app) :
662  ServiceQueue(membersSize,app)
663 { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort); }
676  TRTPSessionBaseIPV6(uint32 ssrc,
677  const IPV6Host& ia,
678  tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort,
679  uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication& app):
680  ServiceQueue(ssrc,membersSize,app)
681  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort); }
695  TRTPSessionBaseIPV6(const IPV6Multicast& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
696  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
697  RTPApplication& app, uint32 iface) :
698  ServiceQueue(membersSize,app)
699  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort,iface); }
715  TRTPSessionBaseIPV6(uint32 ssrc,
716  const IPV6Multicast& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
717  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize,
718  RTPApplication& app, uint32 iface) :
719  ServiceQueue(ssrc,membersSize,app)
720  { build(ia,dataPort,controlPort,iface); }
722  virtual size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
723  {
724  return QueueRTCPManager::dispatchBYE(str);
725  }
727  inline virtual
728  ~TRTPSessionBaseIPV6()
729  {
730  endSocket();
731  }
733  inline RTPDataChannel *getDSO(void)
734  {return dso;}
736 protected:
740  inline bool
741  isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout)
742  { return dso->isPendingRecv(timeout); }
744  inline IPV6Host
745  getDataSender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
746  { return dso->getSender(port); }
748  inline size_t
749  getNextDataPacketSize() const
750  { return dso->getNextPacketSize(); }
761  inline size_t
762  recvData(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len,
763  IPV6Host& na, tpport_t& tp)
764  { na = dso->getSender(tp); return dso->recv(buffer, len); }
766  inline void
767  setDataPeerIPV6(const IPV6Host &host, tpport_t port)
768  { dso->setPeer(host,port); }
774  inline size_t
775  sendDataIPV6(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
776  { return dso->send(buffer, len); }
778  inline SOCKET getDataRecvSocket() const
779  { return dso->getRecvSocket(); }
785  inline bool
786  isPendingControl(microtimeout_t timeout)
787  { return cso->isPendingRecv(timeout); }
789  inline IPV6Host
790  getControlSender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
791  { return cso->getSender(port); }
802  inline size_t
803  recvControl(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len,
804  IPV6Host& na, tpport_t& tp)
805  { na = cso->getSender(tp); return cso->recv(buffer,len); }
807  inline void
808  setControlPeerIPV6(const IPV6Host &host, tpport_t port)
809  { cso->setPeer(host,port); }
816  inline size_t
817  sendControl(const unsigned char* const buffer, size_t len)
818  { return cso->send(buffer,len); }
820  inline SOCKET getControlRecvSocket() const
821  { return cso->getRecvSocket(); }
823  inline void
824  endSocket()
825  {
826  dso->endSocket();
827  cso->endSocket();
828  if (dso) delete dso;
829  dso = NULL;
830  if (cso) delete cso;
831  cso = NULL;
832  }
834 private:
835  void
836  build(const IPV6Host& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
837  tpport_t controlPort)
838  {
839  if ( 0 == controlPort ) {
840  dataBasePort = even_port(dataPort);
841  controlBasePort = dataBasePort + 1;
842  } else {
843  dataBasePort = dataPort;
844  controlBasePort = controlPort;
845  }
846  dso = new RTPDataChannel(ia,dataBasePort);
847  cso = new RTCPChannel(ia,controlBasePort);
848  }
850  void
851  build(const IPV6Multicast& ia, tpport_t dataPort,
852  tpport_t controlPort, uint32 iface)
853  {
854  if ( 0 == controlPort ) {
855  dataBasePort = even_port(dataPort);
856  controlBasePort = dataBasePort + 1;
857  } else {
858  dataBasePort = dataPort;
859  controlBasePort = controlPort;
860  }
861  dso = new RTPDataChannel(IPV6Host(""),dataBasePort);
862  cso = new RTCPChannel(IPV6Host(""),controlBasePort);
863  joinGroup(ia,iface);
864  }
872  inline Socket::Error
873  joinGroup(const IPV6Multicast& ia, uint32 iface)
874  {
875  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(true);
876  if ( error ) return error;
877  error = dso->join(ia,iface);
878  if ( error ) return error;
879  error = cso->setMulticast(true);
880  if ( error ) {
881  dso->drop(ia);
882  return error;
883  }
884  error = cso->join(ia,iface);
885  if ( error ) {
886  dso->drop(ia);
887  return error;
888  }
889  return Socket::errSuccess;
890  }
898  inline Socket::Error
899  leaveGroup(const IPV6Multicast& ia)
900  {
901  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(false);
902  if ( error ) return error;
903  error = dso->leaveGroup(ia);
904  if ( error ) return error;
905  error = cso->setMulticast(false);
906  if ( error ) return error;
907  return cso->leaveGroup(ia);
908  }
916  inline Socket::Error
917  setMcastTTL(uint8 ttl)
918  {
919  Socket::Error error = dso->setMulticast(true);
920  if ( error ) return error;
921  error = dso->setTimeToLive(ttl);
922  if ( error ) return error;
923  error = cso->setMulticast(true);
924  if ( error ) return error;
925  return cso->setTimeToLive(ttl);
926  }
935  inline tpport_t
936  odd_port(tpport_t port)
937  { return (port & 0x01)? (port) : (port - 1); }
946  inline tpport_t
947  even_port(tpport_t port)
948  { return (port & 0x01)? (port - 1) : (port); }
950  tpport_t dataBasePort;
951  tpport_t controlBasePort;
953 protected:
954  RTPDataChannel* dso;
955  RTCPChannel* cso;
956  friend class RTPSessionBaseHandler;
957 };
969 template
970 <class RTPDataChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv6Channel,
971  class RTCPChannel = DualRTPUDPIPv6Channel,
972  class ServiceQueue = AVPQueue>
973 class __EXPORT SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6 :
974  protected Thread,
975  public TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>
976 {
977 public:
978  SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6(const IPV6Host& ia,
979  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
980  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
981  int pri = 0,
982  uint32 memberssize =
985 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
986  );
987 #else
988  ):
989  Thread(pri),
990  TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>
991  (ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app)
992 { }
993 #endif
995 SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6(const IPV6Multicast& ia,
996  tpport_t dataPort = DefaultRTPDataPort,
997  tpport_t controlPort = 0,
998  int pri = 0,
999  uint32 memberssize =
1002  uint32 iface = 0
1003 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
1004  );
1005 #else
1006  ):
1007  Thread(pri),
1008  TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>
1009  (ia,dataPort,controlPort,memberssize,app,iface)
1010 { }
1011 #endif
1013 ~SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6()
1014 {
1015  if (isRunning()) {
1016  disableStack(); Thread::join();
1017  }
1018 }
1020 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
1021 virtual void startRunning();
1022 #else
1026 void
1027 startRunning()
1028 { enableStack(); Thread::start(); }
1029 #endif
1032 protected:
1033 inline void enableStack(void)
1034 {TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::enableStack();}
1036 inline void disableStack(void)
1037 {TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::disableStack();}
1039 inline microtimeout_t getSchedulingTimeout(void)
1040 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::getSchedulingTimeout();}
1042 inline void controlReceptionService(void)
1043 {TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::controlReceptionService();}
1045 inline void controlTransmissionService(void)
1046 {TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::controlTransmissionService();}
1048 inline timeval getRTCPCheckInterval(void)
1049 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::getRTCPCheckInterval();}
1051 inline size_t dispatchDataPacket(void)
1052 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::dispatchDataPacket();}
1054 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
1055 virtual void run(void);
1057 virtual void timerTick(void);
1059 virtual bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout);
1060 #else
1062 virtual void timerTick(void)
1063 {return;}
1065 virtual bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout)
1066 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::isPendingData(timeout);}
1072 virtual void run(void)
1073 {
1074  microtimeout_t timeout = 0;
1075  while ( ServiceQueue::isActive() ) {
1076  if ( timeout < 1000 ){ // !(timeout/1000)
1077  timeout = getSchedulingTimeout();
1078  }
1079  controlReceptionService();
1080  controlTransmissionService();
1081  microtimeout_t maxWait =
1082  timeval2microtimeout(getRTCPCheckInterval());
1083  // make sure the scheduling timeout is
1084  // <= the check interval for RTCP
1085  // packets
1086  timeout = (timeout > maxWait)? maxWait : timeout;
1087  if ( timeout < 1000 ) { // !(timeout/1000)
1088  dispatchDataPacket();
1089  timerTick();
1090  } else {
1091  if ( isPendingData(timeout/1000) ) {
1092  takeInDataPacket();
1093  }
1094  timeout = 0;
1095  }
1096  }
1097  dispatchBYE("GNU ccRTP stack finishing.");
1098  Thread::exit();
1099 }
1101 #endif
1103 inline size_t takeInDataPacket(void)
1104 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::takeInDataPacket();}
1106 inline size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
1107 {return TRTPSessionBaseIPV6<RTPDataChannel,RTCPChannel,ServiceQueue>::dispatchBYE(str);}
1108 };
1118 typedef SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6<> RTPSessionIPV6;
1125 typedef RTPSessionIPV6 RTPSocketIPV6;
1135  typedef SingleThreadRTPSessionIPV6<SymmetricRTPChannelIPV6,
1136  SymmetricRTPChannelIPV6> SymmetricRTPSessionIPV6;
1139 #endif
1140  // sessions
1145 #endif //CCXX_RTP_RTP_H_
void setControlPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
Definition: rtp.h:267
RTCPChannel * cso
Definition: rtp.h:400
An RTP application, holding identifying RTCP SDES item values.
Definition: sources.h:364
void build(const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
Definition: rtp.h:343
RTPSession RTPSocket
Alias for RTPSession.
Definition: rtp.h:608
SingleThreadRTPSession(const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0, int pri=0, uint32 memberssize=MembershipBookkeeping::defaultMembersHashSize, RTPApplication &app=defaultApplication(), uint32 iface=0)
Definition: rtp.h:457
InetHostAddress getControlSender(tpport_t *port=NULL) const
Definition: rtp.h:249
DualRTPChannel< RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket > DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel
Definition: channel.h:444
virtual void timerTick(void)
Definition: rtp.h:543
uint32 microtimeout_t
Time interval expressed in microseconds.
Definition: base.h:67
void controlReceptionService(void)
Definition: rtp.h:523
TRTPSessionBase(uint32 ssrc, const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication &app, uint32 iface)
Builds a session waiting for packets in a multicast address, with the specified ssrc identifier for t...
Definition: rtp.h:155
Socket::Error setMcastTTL(uint8 ttl)
Set the value of the TTL field in the sent packets.
Definition: rtp.h:174
void disableStack(void)
Definition: rtp.h:514
microtimeout_t timeval2microtimeout(const timeval &t)
Convert a time interval, expressed as a timeval value into a microseconds counter.
Definition: base.h:90
size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
Definition: rtp.h:589
size_t sendData(const unsigned char *const buffer, size_t len)
Definition: rtp.h:234
void setDataPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
Definition: rtp.h:225
void endSocket()
Definition: rtp.h:327
tpport_t even_port(tpport_t port)
Ensure a port number is even.
Definition: rtp.h:392
SingleRTPChannel SymmetricRTPChannel
Actually, RTP with a single channel can be called 'Symmetric RTP'.
Definition: channel.h:455
void build(const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort, uint32 iface)
Definition: rtp.h:358
SOCKET getDataRecvSocket() const
Definition: rtp.h:237
size_t dispatchDataPacket(void)
Definition: rtp.h:532
InetHostAddress getDataSender(tpport_t *port=NULL) const
Definition: rtp.h:203
virtual bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout)
Definition: rtp.h:546
tpport_t controlBasePort
Definition: rtp.h:396
RTPDataChannel * dso
Definition: rtp.h:399
bool isPendingControl(microtimeout_t timeout)
Definition: rtp.h:245
Socket::Error joinGroup(const InetMcastAddress &ia, uint32 iface)
Join a multicast group.
Definition: rtp.h:289
Definition of socket classes for different underlying transport and/or network protocols that can be ...
SOCKET getControlRecvSocket() const
Definition: rtp.h:279
tpport_t odd_port(tpport_t port)
Ensure a port number is odd.
Definition: rtp.h:381
size_t takeInDataPacket(void)
Definition: rtp.h:586
SingleThreadRTPSession(const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0, int pri=0, uint32 memberssize=MembershipBookkeeping::defaultMembersHashSize, RTPApplication &app=defaultApplication())
Definition: rtp.h:423
virtual size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &str)
Definition: rtp.h:162
size_t recvControl(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, InetHostAddress &na, tpport_t &tp)
Receive data from the control channel/socket.
Definition: rtp.h:262
void startRunning()
Activate stack and start service thread.
Definition: rtp.h:508
SingleThreadRTPSession RTPSession
Uses two pairs of sockets for RTP data and RTCP transmission/reception.
Definition: rtp.h:601
bool isPendingData(microtimeout_t timeout)
Definition: rtp.h:199
static const size_t defaultMembersHashSize
Definition: iqueue.h:854
virtual void run(void)
Single runnable method for this RTP stacks, schedules outgoing and incoming RTP data and RTCP packets...
Definition: rtp.h:553
size_t recvData(unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, InetHostAddress &na, tpport_t &tp)
Receive data from the data channel/socket.
Definition: rtp.h:220
Generic RTCP control queues.
TRTPSessionBase(uint32 ssrc, const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication &app)
Builds a session with the specified ssrc identifier for the local source.
Definition: rtp.h:116
#define __EXPORT
Definition: ZrtpCallback.h:40
TRTPSessionBase(const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication &app, uint32 iface)
Builds a session waiting for packets in a multicast address.
Definition: rtp.h:135
const tpport_t DefaultRTPDataPort
registered default RTP data transport port
Definition: base.h:109
SingleThreadRTPSession(uint32 ssrc, const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0, int pri=0, uint32 memberssize=MembershipBookkeeping::defaultMembersHashSize, RTPApplication &app=defaultApplication())
Definition: rtp.h:440
Socket::Error leaveGroup(const InetMcastAddress &ia)
Leave a multicast group.
Definition: rtp.h:315
size_t sendControl(const unsigned char *const buffer, size_t len)
Definition: rtp.h:276
This template class adds the threading aspect to the RTPSessionBase template in one of the many possi...
Definition: rtp.h:418
timeval getRTCPCheckInterval(void)
Definition: rtp.h:529
size_t getNextDataPacketSize() const
Definition: rtp.h:207
void enableStack(void)
Definition: rtp.h:517
SingleThreadRTPSession< SymmetricRTPChannel, SymmetricRTPChannel > SymmetricRTPSession
Uses one pair of sockets, (1) for RTP data and (2) for RTCP transmission/reception.
Definition: rtp.h:619
SingleThreadRTPSession(uint32 ssrc, const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0, int pri=0, uint32 memberssize=MembershipBookkeeping::defaultMembersHashSize, RTPApplication &app=defaultApplication(), uint32 iface=0)
Definition: rtp.h:475
virtual ~TRTPSessionBase()
Definition: rtp.h:186
TRTPSessionBase(const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort, uint32 membersSize, RTPApplication &app)
Builds a session waiting for packets in a host address.
Definition: rtp.h:99
__EXPORT RTPApplication & defaultApplication()
Get the RTPApplication object for the "default" application (the only one used by common applications...
Definition: source.cpp:128
microtimeout_t getSchedulingTimeout(void)
Definition: rtp.h:520
RTPDataChannel * getDSO(void)
Definition: rtp.h:191
size_t dispatchBYE(const std::string &reason)
This method is used to send an RTCP BYE packet.
Definition: control.cpp:745
tpport_t dataBasePort
Definition: rtp.h:395
void controlTransmissionService(void)
Definition: rtp.h:526
This class, an RTP/RTCP queue, adds audio/video profile (AVP) specific methods to the generic RTCP se...
Definition: cqueue.h:708