A class of objects representing remote participants (RTP applications) in a multimedia session.
A class of objects representing remote participants (RTP applications) in a multimedia session.
Any RTP socket/queue class that directly or indirectly inherits from QueueRTCPManager (and hence has RTCP support) will represent participants from which any RTP or RTCP packet has been received through a Participant object. These Participant objects are entities such as end systems (user applications, monitors, etc), RTP mixers and RTP translators.
Participant objects are identified by a CNAME and provide access to all known data about the source of RTP/RTCP packets, such as the CNAME and any other SDES item. Each participant object is related to one or more synchronization objects (
- See Also
- SyncSource).
If an RTP application based on ccRTP receives packets from itself (for instance, it is included in the destination list), there will be a Participant object that corresponds to the "local participant" (RTPApplication) object.
- Author
- Federico Montesino Pouzols fedem.nosp@m.p@al.nosp@m.tern..nosp@m.org
- Todo:
- implement reference counting from sources, so that when a source is destroyed, we know if the Participant should be destroyed.
Definition at line 127 of file sources.h.