Getting Kawa

You can compile Kawa from the source distribution. Alternatively, you can install the pre-compiled binary distribution.

You can get Kawa sources and binaries from the Kawa ftp site, or from a mirror site.

The current release of the Kawa source code is (To unpack .tar.gz files Windows users can use 7-Zip, which is Free Software.)

The corresponding pre-compiled release is The most recent snapshot is Instructions for using either are here.

Getting the development sources using Git

The Kawa sources are managed using a git repository. If you want the very latest version grab a git client, and then check out the source using this command:

git clone

After a checkout you will need to run:


before proceding with instructions for building the source distribution.

Once you have it checked out, you can keep it up-to-date with git pull.

You can also browse the git archive online.